Healthcare Courses

Imagine waking up excited about work you love, aligned with your goals. Our courses help you get there. Thousands have transformed their careers. Now it's your time!

Anatomy Essentials

Anatomy Essentials

Dissect the human body with our anatomy course, designed to simplify complex technical concepts for beginners.

AI Tutor AI Tutor
Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep

Anatomy Essentials

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
11+ Interactive Lessons
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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Medical Terminology For Beginners

Medical Terminology For Beginners

Enhance your medical vocabulary to communicate more effectively with doctors, nurses, and patients.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons

Medical Terminology For Beginners

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
29+ Interactive Lessons
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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Anatomy and Physiology All-in-One

Anatomy and Physiology All-in-One

Our online course breaks down complex anatomical and physiological concepts into easy-to-understand lessons.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep
Hands-on Labs Hands-on Labs

Anatomy and Physiology All-in-One

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
19+ Interactive Lessons | 114+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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What makes the world turn? It’s data, disease, and the science of epidemiology.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons


Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
22+ Interactive Lessons
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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Medical Billing and Coding

Medical Billing and Coding

Learn medical coding to succeed in the healthcare industry. Step-by-step claim submission, coding, and reimbursement.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Hands-on Labs Hands-on Labs

Medical Billing and Coding

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
22+ Interactive Lessons
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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PTCE Review

PTCE Review

PTCE prep is made simple, so you can focus on being the pharmacist everyone trusts.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep
Beginner Healthcare

PTCE Review

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
5+ Interactive Lessons | 360+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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Get CCRN-ready with our interactive course and put a firm foot in the nursing field.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep


Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
14+ Interactive Lessons | 500+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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NLN PAX-RN Second Edition

NLN PAX-RN Second Edition

NLN PAX-RN exam preparation so solid, your next big win is a secured job role in the nursing profession!

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep

NLN PAX-RN Second Edition

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
2+ Interactive Lessons | 960+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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HESI A2 Review Second Edition

HESI A2 Review Second Edition

Your future in nursing starts here. Our HESI A2 prep course will give you the edge you need to succeed.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep

HESI A2 Review Second Edition

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
9+ Interactive Lessons | 300+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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TEAS REVIEW Third Edition

TEAS REVIEW Third Edition

Prepare for the TEAS exam with our gamified practice tests & interactive lessons.

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep

TEAS REVIEW Third Edition

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
52+ Interactive Lessons | 172+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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From formulas to vocabulary, our TEAS practice tests got the tricks to pass the exam. 

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep


Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
3+ Interactive Lessons | 850+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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HESI A2 Practice Tests Third Edition

HESI A2 Practice Tests Third Edition

Practice makes perfect, and we’re here to make your HESI A2 practice perfectly on point!

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep

HESI A2 Practice Tests Third Edition

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
2+ Interactive Lessons | 1200+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


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Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep

Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep

Interactive Lessons Interactive Lessons
Gamified TestPrep Gamified TestPrep

Nursing School Entrance Exams Prep

Free pre-assessment and first 2 lessons
10+ Interactive Lessons | 790+ Exercises
Accessible on mobile and tablet too
Certificate of completion


Enroll Now

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